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Because Vitamins A and D are fat soluble, so insufficient fats mean insufficient vitamins A and D

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Q: How does a diet lacking lipid cause a vitamin deficiency?
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What is lipid deficiency?

vitamin D deficiency causes lipids

What type of soluble vitamin is vitamin A?

Vitamin A is lipid soluble.

What type of lipid is vitamin a?

I could be wrong but a vitamin is not a lipid. A lipid is a fat. Vitamin A could be a fat soluble vitamin, but I am not sure if it is. According to my Chem book, Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin and is classified as a lipid. The lab book says to puncture a vitamin A capsule or use cod liver oil, so my guess is it is a triacylglycerol, i.e. an oil.

What Happens When You Don't Get Vitamin A?

important cause of ocular morbidity among patients with chronic liver disease and lipid malabsorption, and is a major cause of blindness, corneal keratinization, ulceration, and necrosis. Vitamin A is necessary for normal differentiation of nonsquamous epithelium; keratinization is a direct consequence of its deficiency. What Vitamin "A" is needed for: * Vision * Gene transcription * Immune function * Embryonic development and reproduction * Bone metabolism * Haematopoiesis * Skin health * Reducing risk of heart disease * Antioxidant Activity

What is soluble in a lipid?

For example vitamin E.

What is a lipid soluble?

For example vitamin E.

Which lipid is used as the basis of vitamin D and sex hormones and bile?


Is Vitamin C liposoluble?

what are vitamin hydrosolubles and liposolubles

Are amino acids a derivative of cholesterol?

No. Cholesterol is a lipid and is a precursor to vitamin D and steroid hormones.

What are the symptoms of Sachs?

Tay-Sachs is a genetic disease where one of the normally present digestive enzymes is lacking. As a result, a particular lipid in the brain cells cannot be broken down. The resulting build-up of lipids in these cells can cause mental retardation and death.

What is an allithiamine?

An allithiamine is another name for thiamine allyl disulphide, a lipid-soluble form of vitamin B1, naturally occuring in garlic.

Vitamin c is soluble in water and vitamin d is lipid soluble. how does the structure of the cell membrane determine the route taken by each vitamin?

Vitamin C is water soluable so the only way it can be transported is by faciliated difficusion using a channel protein. Channel proteins allow polar, watersoluable substances and ions to pass across the cell membrane using faciliated diffusion. Vitamin D is lipid soluble therefore it can pass through using simple diffusion because the phospholipid bilayer lets it pass through down its concentration gradient.