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The chubby guy asks the hot gal out and the hot gal says yes. Then the chubby guy keeps her attracted by using all sorts of tactics. Unfortunatly, girls do not go for looks as much as guys do. If a guy sees a hot gal, he is after her. Girls look more into personality and the guy has to keep her attracted. Most gals prefer cocky/funny sparks and an upbeat personality. Me being a very fit and in shape guy...hates it to when I see the woman of my dreams with a heavier guy. ticks me off.

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Q: How does a chubby guy get a hot girl?
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Chubby implies "only slightly fat". There's no difference other than mitigation (a fat guy sounds fatter than a chubby guy, doesn't he?)

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"The hot chick" Rob Shnieder film.

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No, that's just stupid. Even if the girl's hot, the guy still hates her.

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because when you kiss him the girl feels happy and the girl gets more conected 2 the guy

Can being chubby be attractive?

It depends on the person. Like lets say there's a chubby guy but has a great personality then that would be attractive. Most girls don't judge I am a girl and I don't judge by the way a guy looks just by his personality.Most of the time when there's a girl that judges that means there kinda in the popular crowd and they really listen to what there friends say about the guy there dating so there more strict about who they date. So if your chubby then you might wanna start more on the not so popular people and work your way up . =D

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How can you find chubby girl?

At mcdonalds

Is telling a girl she is hot flirting with her?

well I'm a girl and if a guy calls me hot I immediately think he is trying to flirt with me.

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chubby boobs? fat fetish?