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He doesn't know what to expect. He doesn't know if it will be bad or something good but is thinking to himself why the ghost of the future was weird looking with no head. He doesn't know that maybe the ghosts are connecting to him and what he is going to see and expect. Also, when he sees his future he was speechless. Seeing that nobody would want to attend his funeral was sad to him. Scrooge had an idea that nobody really liked him but to hear and see that no one cares about him enough to pay for his funeral is depressing. That showed him that he didn't give up on being selfish.

Scrooge is a bad and selfish person and for him, he knows that he has to change his personality because if he doesn't it will lead him nowhere because eventually he will die alone and nobody will care for him.

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Q: How does Scrooge react to what he saw when the ghost of the future takes him secondly?
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