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He dislikes the visons the ghost forces him to see and this causes Scrooge to beg for removal from the scenes and then use teh lamp extinguisher that the ghost carries to put of the flame that surounds the ghost

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Q: How does Scrooge feel about the Ghost of Christmas Past?
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What emotions does Scrooge feel when the ghost of Christmas present visits him where does G.O.C.P take him?

Scrooge initially feels excitement and joy when the ghost of Christmas Present visits him. The ghost takes Scrooge to various places, including the house of Bob Cratchit and the home of Scrooge's nephew, Fred.

How does Scrooge feel about each spirit?

Fort the ghost of Christmas past he disbelieved and resented the appetition despite feeling a hint of remorse for his actions. The ghost of Christmas present sees Scrooge starting to see what the true spirit of Christmas is. Scrooge starts to understand the impact he had on the lives of the Cratchit family and hears and sees what people think of him. Finally the ghost of Christmas yet to come, the most feared of all. Scrooge is scared not only of the ghost and its message but of the dark uncertainty that the spirit briings

Why is the Ghost of Christmas Present a stranger to Scrooge?

The Ghost of Christmas Present is a stranger to Scrooge because he represents the present moment, which Scrooge has been disconnected from due to his focus on the past and future. The ghost's role is to show Scrooge what he is missing by ignoring the joy and goodwill around him in the present.

What emotions does scrooge feel while he is visited by the ghost of Christmas present?

fear and shame

How has Scrooge changed after the visit by the Ghost of Christmas Past?

After the visit by the Ghost of Christmas Past, Scrooge becomes more reflective and shows signs of regret for his past actions and attitudes. He begins to recognize the impact of his past choices on himself and others, which sets the stage for his transformation later in the story.

What words of Scrooge's were repeated by the ghost that made Scrooge feel ashamed?

The words "Are these the shadows of the things that Will be, or are they shadows of things that May be only?" were repeated by the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come, causing Scrooge to feel ashamed of his current ways and the potential consequences of his actions.

What effect does the ghost of Christmas present have on the dinner at bob cratchits house?

The ghost of Christmas present shines a light on the Cratchit family's joy and love despite their difficult circumstances, leading Scrooge to feel compassion and empathy towards them. This experience prompts Scrooge to become more generous and caring towards others, especially Bob Cratchit and his family.

How does Scrooge feel for the spirit of Christmas future?

He fears him the most

Disscuss how dickens arouses the sypathy of the reader for scrooge in stave 2 of A Christmas carol how does this stave affect the rest of the novel?

In Stave 2 of "A Christmas Carol," Dickens shows Scrooge's vulnerability and loneliness through the Ghost of Christmas Past's portrayal of his past. By revealing Scrooge's troubled childhood and lost love, the reader begins to understand the root of his miserly behavior and may feel sympathy towards him. This stave sets the stage for Scrooge's redemption by highlighting the reasons behind his bitterness, paving the way for his transformation in the subsequent chapters of the novel.

How does Scrooge feel by celebrating Christmas?

Scrooge's partner ,Jacob Marley, died on Christmas Eve. There is also the fact that Scrooge himself hates to see other people happy.

What were Scrooge's dislikes?

In his childhood Scrooge had been abandond in his boarding school by his parents. When he visited it with the The Ghost of Christmas Past he is heard to lament "Poor boy, poor,poor boy" on seeing the shadows of his past self

What is the tear on Scrooge cheek?

The tear on Scrooge's cheek in "A Christmas Carol" represents his transformation from a heartless, miserly person to one filled with compassion and generosity. It symbolizes his newfound ability to feel empathy and connect with others on an emotional level.