Santa travels so fast due to a combination of very fast reindeer and magic. It's also helpful if he has a nice tailwind.
Christmas Magic, of course!
Santa is magical so he can pretty much do anything. So he can travel to Ecuador any way he likes.
Santa travels the world in his sleigh on Christmas eve then some at midnight on Christmas day when you are still sleeping so on Christmas morning you see all your presents if you have been good.
It doesn't matter. If you fast travel he will travel there with you. So if you want summary it doesn't matter.
There is one Santa who visits everywhere in the world, so yes, Scotland does have a Santa.
because it is closer to the sun it has less to travel it is so fast because it is close to the sun and has less distance to travel
Santa doesn't travel roads. He and his reindeer, who pull the sleigh, travel through the skies. That, plus the time difference, is how he's able to get to so many houses in one night.
By his private plane.
Santa Claus has fallen before, but he is magical so he can save himself, and then the reindeer turn around fast and pick him up again.
The world spins lots of miles per hour so that means it is fast.
Your parents. Santa doesnot exist, it is impossible, and even if he did he would need a sleigh the size of a super tanker (a ship used to carry large amounts of petroleum- its 3x the size of a cruise ship) and would need to travel faster than the speed of light, 186,000 miles per second.!!!!!!!!!! That is so fast the if it were possible to travel 1/4 of that speed you could travel around the equator of the earth 24 times every second
Because most people lock there door at night and so santa couldn't get in that way so the only other way that was wide enough for him was the chimney> Hope this helps;)