On a normal workday, Santa Clause will fly around on his sleigh to deliver presents. Some days, however, that jolly old fat guy may decide to make things a little more casual and ride bareback on a single reindeer (this has only been done once, with less than desirable results).
yes santa can travel to portugal.
he loves everybody
Santa travels on his sleigh, pulled by reindeer.
3. The Santa Claus, The Santa Claus 2, and The Santa Claus 3: The Escape Claus
Karen was santa Claus wife in santa Claus
In Scottish, Santa Claus is often referred to as "Father Christmas" or "Santa Claus" as well.
There are 2 words in "Santa Claus."
The address of the Santa Claus Museum is: 41 N Kringle Pl, Santa Claus, IN 47579
it is believed that Koreans do not believe in ''santa Claus'' but they do believe in the Claus of santa
No, Santa Claus is not single.