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He has your parents intercept the mail, and they deliver it for him.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 11mo ago

Santa Claus has a team of elves who help him read and sort through the letters he receives. Based on the wish list provided in the letter, Santa and his elves work together to prepare and deliver presents to those who have written to him.

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Is Santa Claus real 3rd grader?

Yes of course.........where do you think all those presents come from

Why did the myth of Santa begin?

OF COURSE SANTA'S REAL! How could your parents afford all those presents! And those people that dont believe in Santa Claus, when you were younger, you would have believed in him! So,mmm!

Is Santa rale?

Santa Claus is real! And don't believe those people who tell you he isn't. He is. He brings you presents when your good and brings you coal when your bad. YOU BETTER BE GOOD!

Can Santa hide presents?

For those who believe in Santa, everybody, Santa has the right to hide presents from those who were nice who suddenly turned bad, though he is obliged to give out all the presents to those on his list!

Why do the people in Ireland call their Santa Santa Claus?

People in Ireland call him Santy, Santa and Santa Claus. Santa Claus comes from Saint Nicholas and can then be shortened to Santa Claus or just Santa or Santy. So people in Ireland use those names, like people in many countries do.

What is Santa Claus called in Hindi?

There is no Hindi translation for Santa Claus because the Hindus do not celebrate Christmas. Some Hindus know what Santa Claus means and they also call him Santa Claus. I know this because I'm Hindu. Hope that helped.There is no Hindi word for Santa Claus because they do not celebrate Christmas. Those Hindus who know who Santa Claus is also call him Santa Claus. I know this because I am Hindu. Hope that helped.

Can it hurry up and be the 25th of December soon?

There are actually a lot of Santas in the world. There is even a special school for people who wish to be Santa Claus. Of course he hasn't got magic reindeers or any thing like that. Each professional Santa has to get a Toy Factory and then make toys and give them out. Of course he is not the original Santa Claus! We all know that. Santa Claus is a man which was born the same year Jesus was. In the year 0. His name was Claus. On special days he gave out presents to little kids and then those days where called Christmas (Now shortly Xmas.) He became a saint which on a special language they had those times meant Santa, it was like a mix of Latin-Arabic-Italian. So they called him Santa Claus in English meant Saint Claus. Santa, according to the legend, which is kind of proved as true, goes into your house and leaves presents.

The lyrics to Here comes Santa Claus?

Here Comes Santa Clause By: Gene Autry and Oakley Haldeman Here comes Santa Claus!Here comes Santa Claus!Right down Santa Claus Lane!Vixen and Blitzen and all his reindeerare pulling on the reins.Bells are ringing, children singing;All is merry and bright.Hang your stockings and say your prayers,'Cause Santa Claus comes tonight.Here comes Santa Claus!Here comes Santa Claus!Right down Santa Claus Lane!He's got a bag that is filled with toysfor the boys and girls again.Hear those sleigh bells jingle jangle,What a beautiful sight.Jump in bed, cover up your head,'Cause Santa Claus comes tonight.

What is the difference between Santa Claus and the Lone Ranger?

The Lone Ranger and Santa Clause differ in one way. Santa Clause is a mythical character who goes from place to place to give out presents for the thousands of good for children. The Lone Ranger is a character who goes from place to place to protect and rescue the innocent or those unfairly treated.Thus, in psychological terms, Santa Claus is a "Giver-Hero" and The Lone Ranger is a "Protector-Rescuer-Hero".

Where does santa go on his journey after the north pole?

Santa Claus travels all around the world on Christmas Eve to deliver presents to children everywhere. He visits each house, no matter where it is, to spread holiday cheer and bring gifts to those who believe in him.

Is Santa Claus a good influence on children?

The real Santa Claus is, yes. Unfortunately there are a lot of guys in Santa Suits who go around doing bad things... and those ones definitely are not good influences on children.

Is anything like Santa real?

Yes. Santa Claus is (or was) a very real person. Santa Claus (Dutch for Saint Nicholas) was a bishop in the seventh century in a town in Turkey called Myra. He inherited a vast fortune from his parents but decided to give the money to the poor - in secret. This is where the idea of Santa Claus/St Nicholas giving presents in secret to children all over the world comes from. As a bishop Santa Claus wore a red robe (hence the modern day Santa's red tunic) and would have sported a long beard as was the custom in those days for clergy to have facial hair (as is the custom nowadays in the Orthodox Church). However, the idea of Santa Claus riding a sleigh pulled by reindeer is a myth that is partly due to Norse mythology. Even though Santa Claus lived all those years ago, his spirit of self giving and generosity is still alive and well when we give gifts at Christmas... and long may it continue.