Doubletree by Hilton hotels should be compared to other upscale, full service hotels. Recent reviews on TripAdvisor, posted by actual guests, show favorable (four and five star ratings).
DoubleTree Hotels are part of the Hilton Hotel chain. Based on the popular star rating of hotels, DoubleTree averages 3 stars. This is average compared to most others.
"There are not any Hilton Bristol Hotels in the United States. Hilton Bristol Hotels are only found in the United Kingdom. Other forms of the Hilton Hotel can be found in the United States in numerous forms; such as, Doubletree and Homewood Suites."
Depending on where you live or are traveling to, you can find your closest Doubletree Hilton Hotel online. Other sources are phone books and travel agencies.
There are many hotels in Chicago to choose from, including economy stays and 5-star resorts. The Hilton brand offers Embassy Suites, Doubletree, Garden Inn, and Hampton Inn hotels in Chicago. Other hotels are the Trump International, the Westin, and the Hotel Palomar.
You can book a stay at the Hilton Hotel in Edinburgh online from sites such as Trip Advisor and Expedia. Once on the site, you can book a stay, read reviews and compare with other hotels.
The highest rated hotel in Hilton head is Hilton Head Health. It is ranked one out of 37 other Hilton hotels. Some reviews include "it was a great week" and others have "it was outstanding all the way through".
London UK has 25 Hilton hotels listed. London Canada has 3 Hilton hotels listed. So yes, there are lots of Hilton hotels listed in London, no matter which side of the pond you want to visit.
Several Kuwait City hotels are mentioned on Wikitravel. The hotels mentioned include the Palms, SAS Radisson, and the Hilton. No other hotels are mentioned.
There are many websites that allow users to compare reviews of several hotels in Evanston. Hotwire allows its users to search for hotels and compare the ratings to other hotels.
The highest rated hotels in the Chattanooga Tennessee area are the W / Westin, Hilton, Hyatt and Regency. There are other three and four star hotels in the area.
Hilton Spas are located all throughout the world. There are locations in a number of their hotels in Canada, the United States, as well as other countries.
Blackstone to buy Hilton Hotels for $26 billion in cash Published: Wednesday, July 4, 2007NEW YORK - The Blackstone Group announcement that it will purchase Hilton Hotels for $26 billion sent shares of other hotel companies sharply higher Wednesday amid speculation that they also might become targets for private equity firms.