Some women are gold diggers. lots of older guys, some retired and still getting money, have money that they wouldn't mind spending on young girls. others are somply interested in the mature type.
Younger women may show attraction to an older man over 40 by initiating conversations, seeking his advice or opinion, maintaining prolonged eye contact, and engaging in light physical touch like touching his arm or shoulder. They may also show interest in his hobbies or experiences, and make an effort to spend more time with him.
Younger women who like older men are simply called cheetah. Since when a younger girl goes after an older man they try and get with him just as fast as a cheetah would catch its prey in the wild.
This may be due to older Americans being raised in a different social context, with different values and beliefs that have shifted over time. Older Americans may also have more life experience that has shaped their views on social issues. Additionally, generational differences in perspectives and attitudes towards social issues may play a role in this trend.
Older women might say that the one thing women most desire is to be respected and valued for their intelligence and capabilities rather than just their physical appearance. They might prioritize being treated as equals in all aspects of life, including work, relationships, and society.
This scenario is not possible unless there was a mistake in the information given. The woman cannot become younger over time. It is likely a mathematical error or typo.
Breast cancer mainly affects women, with the majority of cases occurring in individuals over the age of 50. However, younger women can also develop breast cancer, with a small percentage of cases occurring in women under 40. Regular screening is important for early detection and treatment.
= Older father, younger mother =
cause older womans lives are almost over and they try to make the best of it. younger woman have a long time to go. and sometimes are picky about men.
Woman over the age of about 40 who seek out much younger men to have sex are called Cougar Women. Cougar Women are going to frequent places where younger men generally hang out. Clubs, bars, sporting events etc. look for older women who are wearing animal print clothing. They are generally thought to be more sexually agressive.
To protect them from being over-worked at a young age. Also girls are more flexible and faster at a younger age, because as they get older theirs and everyone elses muscles tighten with age and it is harder to get them to stretch as far when the women are older. I am a gymnast myself! **Your Welcome!**
Out of what i think, yes. The older children will have lived longer and therefore have more money over the past years. Where as the younger children will have less.
Younger women who like older men are simply called cheetah. Since when a younger girl goes after an older man they try and get with him just as fast as a cheetah would catch its prey in the wild.
16, it is 18 if the older person has direct authority over the younger.
Date older woman if happiness and fulfillment are what you crave. Younger women may often need certain reassurances that older women don't require. If love and happiness are emotions that have eluded you for a time, date older woman to see these wonderful qualities added to your list of sacred enjoyments. Don't delay, date older woman to create the success and fulfillment that leads to happy memories over the course of a lifetime.
Women over 50 are more prone to suffer from the effects of heart disease, osteoporosis, breast cancer and diabetes than younger women or men. As women age they're also more at risk for other age related health concerns like hypertension, arthritis and the possibility of accidental injuries.
This can happen due to the process of tectonic activity, where older rocks are pushed up and over younger rocks during mountain-building events, known as thrust faults. As a result, the relative positions of rocks are altered, with older rocks ending up on top of younger rocks in the Earth's crust.
Little brothers want to be more successful than older brothers because they want to show dominance over the older because the older one usually has more control over the younger brother.