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Q: How do you wish someone a Merry Christmas in Greek?
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Could someone put we wish you a merry Christmas notes for recorder please?

We wish you a merry Christmas

How do you say Merry Christmas in Flemish?

You can say "Vrolijk Kerstfeest" in Flemish to wish someone Merry Christmas.

What are words to We wish you a Merry Christmas?

We wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year! Good tidings we bring, to you and your kin, good tidings for Christmas and a Happy New Year! We wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas, we wish you a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year! That was the version we did in school for the Winter Show we did :D

How do the wish someone merry Christmas in Brazil?

Feliz Natal

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When was To Wish You a Merry Christmas created?

To Wish You a Merry Christmas was created in 1958.

We wish you a merry Christmas recorder notes?

we wish you a merry christmas on recorder

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we wish you a merry christmas

What song do Alvin and the Chipmunks sing in diasaster movie?

we wish you a merry Christmas we wish you merry Christmas we wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year the tightings we bring to you and our cheer we wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year the songs that we bring to you and our cheer we wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year. and a metal song.

Where can someone find the lyrics to the song We Wish You A Merry Christmas?

The lyrics to the song "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" can be found on a number of lyrics sites on the internet. These include Metro Lyrics and A-Z Lyrics.

Do you say we wish you a Merry Christmas or we wish you Merry Christmas. Do we need the article there. On a card for instance?

Both "we wish you a Merry Christmas" and "we wish you Merry Christmas" are commonly used phrases. However, adding the article "a" in "we wish you a Merry Christmas" is grammatically correct and sounds more natural in most contexts, including on a card. It is a matter of personal preference and style, but including the article is the more conventional choice.

What is the name of the same that has merry Christmas merry Christmas sounds like kids choir?

We Wish You a Merry Christmas