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u walk slowly and steadily.

and if you are wearing a slippers take it off. You can walk bare footed

and also have a support while walking,something like wall or a stand or whatever there is..:) be safe

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Q: How do you walk on a wet floor?
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Related questions

Why is it difficult to walk on wet floor?

It may be slippery.

Why would it be difficult to walk on a tile floor if someone has just mopped it?

because its wet................ uh maybe because it's WET!!!

Why must special care be taken when we walk on wet floor?

Whatever liquid on the floor acts as a lubricant and reduces the friction between the floor surface and feet, and butt if one is clumsy.

What does a wet floor sign represent?

that the floor is wet

What adjective descirbes these three words suit paint and floor?

wet suit, wet paint, wet floor.

Which is an example of caution?

A caution is an important warning given generally for safety reasons. An example of a caution is a wet floor sign on a wet floor. The caution is there to inform people the floor is wet to prevent falls.

What are the dangers associated with a wet floor?

The dangers associated with a wet floor is the risk of slipping or tripping and falling. Slipping or tripping on a wet floor can even cause serious injury and has even been known to cause death.

What word rhymes with core and is a surface we walk on?


Is gravity weakened when a floor is wet?

No, it is not.

Why it is difficult to walk on a wet marble floor?

Walking on a wet marble floor can be difficult because the smooth surface of marble does not provide much traction when wet, leading to a higher risk of slipping and falling. Additionally, water on the surface of the marble can create a slippery layer that makes it hard to maintain balance while walking.

Wet Floor Sign?

form_title= Wet Floor Sign form_header= Ensure there are no slips with a wet floor sign! Will the signs be used indoors?* () Yes () No () Not Sure How many signs do you need?* = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, More than 10} How often will you use the signs?* = _

What materials can you get in a wet floor sign?
