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Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory

He asked workers to talk about situations at work when they felt:

• Very satisfied and motivated

• Very dissatisfied and unmotivated

He found that different sets of factors were associated with each

Some factors caused satisfaction and motivation and different factors caused dissatisfaction and lack of motivation

Maslow believed that:

• People have an innate desire to work their way up the hierarchy

• A need is not a motivator until those before it are satisfied

• A satisfied need is not a motivator

• Managers need to assess workers' needs at each level

and then provide incentives that correspond to those needs.

Maslow's theory of needs clearly identifies the responsibilities of employees to provide a work place environment those encourage and satisfy employees to fulfil their own unique potential. The creation of such an environment will be of great benefit to individual ,organisation and society .

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Q: How do you use motivation maslow and herzbergs motivation theories in the workplace?
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What are the theory of motivation?

The theories are: F.W Taylor, Maslow, Herzberg, Mc Gregor

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which is known as needs hierarchy theory

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Why maslow theory of motivation is best as compared to other motivation theories?

Maslow's theory provides a common-sense explanation of motivation. It is easy to comprehend for laymen. For scientists, it is too simplistic and cannot generate testable hypotheses and is, therefore, treacle. But for most people, it makes sense.

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What are the motivation theory?

maslow or hertzberg or expentency theory it simply means, encouragement that takes the form of reflection within, or external in the form of rewards and recognition so that the action and behaviour and be reinforced. Normally for positive outcomes.

What is the relevance of maslows motivation theory in todays workplace?

Maslow's theory describes human motivation to meet basic needs, and when they are met, an individual aspires to realize higher needs. This theory is relevant in organizations, as employee motivation will increase productivity. This will enable an organization to achieve its objectives.