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Righty tighty, Lefty loosey. Holding the bottom ball in your left hand and the top ball in the right hand, hold the bottom ball still with the left hand and turn the top ball with the right hand "left" or "counter clockwise".

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Q: How do you unsrew a tongue ring bar?
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How Big should the bar be for a Tongue ring?

14 g

How do you stop my tongue ring from splitting it looks like my tongue is splitting from the bar outwards?

You better take it out and do some research about what is going on.

It is your first tongue ring and you want to know if you should get a plastic bar?

Stick with the metal bar you were pierced with for the first couple of months.

What is a UV reactive tongue piercing?

A uv reactive tongue piercing is a bar or ring that reacts to special uv light, uv lights are usually found at party's disco's and nightclubs so you could stick your tongue out and have it glow ! A uv reactive tongue piercing is a bar or ring that reacts to special uv light, uv lights are usually found at party's disco's and nightclubs so you could stick your tongue out and have it glow !

Is a tongue ring supposed to be straight?

usually they will peirce it off centre at the bottom of the tongue this is to prevent speech impediment and also if the bar was centred the tongue would split down the middle and u would end up with a snake tongue

What is this white ring under your tongue?

I don't have a white ring under my tongue.

Swelling from tongue ring uncomfortable?

its not so much the swelling that hurts, its the fact you have a bar shoved through your tongue, and it hurts for like a week. the next day is horrible you can move your tongue at all and you talk with a lisp for a week or two

What is a Lock on tongue rings?

There is no "lock on a tongue ring" and it's not a ring it's a barbell.

Can you change your tongue ring bar to a longer one once its healed?

Go to your piercer when the swelling goes down and they'll change it if its ready.

What r the negative effects of a tongue ring?

If you have a tongue ring, it makes it hard to make out. the ring always gets in the way.

How can you find an 18 gauge tongue ring?

Google search for "18 gauge tongue ring"!

How do you eat a girl out with a tongue ring?

The same way you did before, except now you have a tongue ring.