Enter the "pin" code ... doh!! If that is unknown, you may have to return the phone to the vendor where it was purchased and have it reset.
It's usually the last 4 digits of the phone's #. But then all you have to do is go to phone settings, and change it.
on my t mobile phone i blocked the pin now how do i unblock it?on my t mobile phone i blocked the pin now how do i unblock it?How is this supposed to be an answer, really?
you enter the pin or the puc
Pin codes
You can unlock HTC sand at&t phones using unlock codes. You can purchase such codes from any vendors online like Mobile Unlock Solutions.
You can unlock Telstra prepaid phones from any vendors online like UnBBlock.com for blackberry phones and Simpleunlocking.com for other model phones
You press Unlock and then Yes. If you have put on a Pin I can not help you.
It is possible to unlock GSM phones. You can learn how to do this at the HowStuffWorks website. Once on the website, type "How to unlock GSM phones" into the search field at the top of the page and press enter to bring up the information.
The PIN is a secure number you use to 'lock' and 'unlock' your phone with. Kinda like a credit card PIN number, but for mobile phones! Go into your settings on the phone, and enter the security folder. From there you can find the PIN number set up, and choose a number that's memorable to you - but don't use obvious things, like birthdays or 1234!!
It is not illegal to unlock your cell phone as long as you are using it for personal use. It is illegal to unlock 3g cell phones and resell them for use by others.
You have to buy webkinz then unlock the code.
You can't - only the bank can unblock a blocked card.