First off, your blackberry would have to be a Quad Band phone. Secondly, you could either take your blackberry to a phone store and have them enter a code on which it could unlock your blackberry phone for a fee of about $50 depending on the store. Or you could look online for a phone code and do it yourself, but doing it yourself is something i would not prefer doing because you could risk locking your blackberry phone completely.
Try taking the battery out and restart your phone
That is taking food out of the freezer and placing it in the fridge to unfreeze it.
try taking you battery out.. dont turn it off first.. just take the battery out. it will check security soft ware when it turns back on and then try it... it works for my pearl all the time. hope that helps.
you cant
You can take the housing off but it involves taking your whole phone apart try looking on a blackberry website :)
All you have to do is turn the phone off, wait about five minutes, then turn it back on. If that doesn't work, take out the sim card and blow on it; they can sometimes get dirty. Make sure you wait a minute before putting the sim card back in.
Mapi portocal taking care of the communication between Exchange Server and Blackberry Server, and also Blackberry Server component MAGT (Messaging Agent) will be in touch with Exchange Server for scaning the Blackberry user's Mail BOX. Thanks and Regards, Ranjith Kumar.
You put the battery back in and you charge it
The Blackberry Bold 9900 4G is an excellent upgrade in the Blackberry line of smartphones, although despite its overall performance upgrades, its operating system still does hang a lot of times, especially when a lot of text messages and emails are stored on the device. If you really can't delete all those messages, the best solution for the moment is to remove the battery and reinsert it prior to rebooting the phone. After the reboot, things should be running smooth for a decent amount of time. However, deleting all those unnecessary files taking up space on your phone is a much better solution.
Taking gum out of your hair
So...You want to take a picture of someone without them knowing you are taking it, huh? You know taking upskirt photos is illegal and can get you put in jail. When you get out you get to register as a sex offender. Cool, isn't it? BlackBerry actually makes it so you CAN'T turn off the click so pervs can't do what you want to do.