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No way to do it.

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Q: How do you uncock a Marksman Repeater without firing it?
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How do you safely uncock a crossbow?

To safely uncock a crossbow, point the loaded crossbow at the ground (soil is safer that concrete). Remove the bolt. Firing the unloaded crossbow is probably the easiest method to uncock as the pressure could be quite powerful.

How do you uncock AK 47?

Release safety, pull trigger. There is no external hammer to uncock.

How can you UNcock your 1917 Brescia rifle?

Get an owner's manual. Take it to a qualified gunsmith.

How do you uncock a Remington 870 shotgun?

Go to Remington's web site and request an owner's manual.

How do you uncock a revolver?

If you have no idea what you are doing find someone else who does. First, point the gun in a safe direction. Make sure it is not pointed at any body part of yours or anyone else. Ground is best. If there is enough room between hammer and the frame place a finger of your off hand on the hammer (NOT on the frame, a falling hammer might hurt and an older one with a firing pin on it will draw blood). Hold the hammer with your thumb and pull the trigger, then let the hammer down slowly. Be careful, on some older revolvers there is no safety mechanism that prevents a shot when the trigger is not all the way back and a falling hammer will make it fire. Don't decock a revolver when your fingers are wet or greasy.

How do you uncock a shotgun?

Depends on what your shotgun is. If you have one of the older hammered shotguns (exposed hammer), you can decock them the same way you would any other firearm with an exposed hammer - you gently lower the hammer with your thumb. If you have a shotgun which doesn't have an exposed hammer, your only feasible way of going about this is to empty the magazine, be especially certain to ensure that the chamber is empty, and pull the trigger.

How do you simply take apart a jennings firearm .380 model 48 auto?

Remove the magazine from the pistol. Pull back the slide, and check to be SURE that there is no ammunition in the gun. Check it again. With an EMPTY gun, point in a safe direction, release safety, pull trigger to uncock the pistol. Holding it pointing away from you, use a blunt object (ball pont pen) to push in the take-down button on the rear of the slide. While holding in buttom raise rear of slide, slide forward off the barrel and frame. Carefully release pressure on take down button, removing it, spring, and firing pin from channel. STOP. That is as far as you should go for normal maintenance and cleaning.

What are some six letter words with 3rd letter C and 4th letter O and 5th letter C and 6th letter K?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 3 words with the pattern --COCK. That is, six letter words with 3rd letter C and 4th letter O and 5th letter C and 6th letter K. In alphabetical order, they are: mocock recock uncock

What are some six letter words with 1st letter U and 5th letter C?

According to SOWPODS (the combination of Scrabble dictionaries used around the world) there are 17 words with the pattern U---C-. That is, six letter words with 1st letter U and 5th letter C. In alphabetical order, they are: umiack umiacs uncock undeck undock unfact unlace unlich unlock unpack unpick untack untuck uplock uptick urtica usance

How can you improve your back swing?

you should start the backswing by swinging your arms back with no thought of your shoulders turning. Avoid trying to turn your shoulders at the start if you do you will chunk. let the shoulders move once your arms are past your right legBy FutureLPGAgolferThe answer above is one of the worst things you can do! You have to ONLY THINK OF YOU SHOULDERS TURNING BACK, LET YOUR ARMS GO BACK NATURALLY. You should never worry about your arms in a back swing because if you do then your going to shank it A LOT. If you want to learn more about the swing I'm talking about type in this question in wiki answers."What is the correct golf swing plane?"This will tell you everything you need to know; the arms and hands jobs is to only hold on to the club but the BODY does EVERYTHING. Contact me if you have any questions about this.Additional comment by golfrobot:I totally agree 110% with FutureLPGAgolfer on this one. The 'grandfather of golf instruction', John Jacobs, to whom David Leadbetter, Butch Harmon and other modern day gurus pay great respect, summed up the essence of the golf swing as follows:Backswing: Turn the shoulders, swing the arms, cock the wrists.Down and through swing: Turn the hips, swing the arms down, uncock the wrists.The above, done rhythmically, is the essence of the swing. No words sum up the swing better than those.**********************************************************************You want the arms and golf club to start their movement back before the shoulders start turning. The club head has a much longer distance to travel to the top of the back swing then do the shoulder's If you start turning the shoulders with the club, hands and arms you won't have anywhere for them to go once the shoulders have reached their max turn(without a lift to the top). Once the club, hands and arms reached your knee's (or so) then it's time for the shoulders to catch up and start turning to the top. And also, don't listen to anyone who hasn't broke 70 for 18 holes and go see a Golf Professional for real help.

What are words that that begin with the letter u?

2-letter wordsuh, um, un, up, us, ut3-letter wordsudo, ugh, uke, ulu, umm, ump, uns, upo, ups, urb, urd, urn, use, uta, uts4-letter wordsudos, ughs, ugly, ukes, ulan, ulna, ulus, ulva, umbo, umps, unai, unau, unbe, unci, unco, unde, undo, undy, unit, unto, upas, upby, updo, upon, urbs, urds, urea, urge, uric, urns, ursa, urus, used, user, uses, utas, uvea5-letter wordsudder, uhlan, ukase, ulama, ulans, ulcer, ulema, ulnad, ulnae, ulnar, ulnas, ulpan, ultra, ulvas, umbel, umber, umbos, umbra, umiac, umiak, umiaq, umped, unais, unapt, unarm, unary, unaus, unbar, unbid, unbox, uncap, uncia, uncle, uncos, uncoy, uncus, uncut, undee, under, undid, undue, unfed, unfit, unfix, ungot, unhat, unhip, unify, union, unite, units, unity, unlay, unled, unlet, unlit, unman, unmet, unmew, unpeg, unpen, unpin, unrig, unrip, unsay, unset, unsew, unsex, untie, until, unwed, unwit, unwon, unzip, upbow, upbye, updos, updry, upend, uplit, upped, upper, upset, uraei, urare, urari, urase, urate, urban, urbia, ureal, ureas, uredo, ureic, urged, urger, urges, urial, urine, ursae, usage, users, usher, using, usnea, usque, usual, usurp, usury, uteri, utile, utter, uveal, uveas, uvula6-letter wordsubiety, ubique, udders, uglier, uglies, uglify, uglily, ugsome, uhlans, ukases, ulamas, ulcers, ulemas, ullage, ulster, ultima, ultimo, ultras, umbels, umbers, umbles, umbrae, umbral, umbras, umiack, umiacs, umiaks, umiaqs, umlaut, umping, umpire, unable, unaged, unakin, unarms, unawed, unbars, unbear, unbelt, unbend, unbent, unbind, unbolt, unborn, unbred, unbusy, uncage, uncake, uncaps, uncase, unchic, unciae, uncial, uncini, unclad, uncles, unclip, unclog, uncock, uncoil, uncool, uncork, uncurb, uncurl, uncute, undies, undine, undock, undoer, undoes, undone, undraw, undrew, unduly, undyed, unease, uneasy, uneven, unfair, unfelt, unfits, unfixt, unfold, unfond, unfree, unfurl, ungird, ungirt, unglue, ungual, ungues, unguis, ungula, unhair, unhand, unhang, unhats, unhelm, unhewn, unholy, unhood, 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