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Copy and paste . . Copy and paste. . .

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Q: How do you transfer quotes to facebook?
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Can you put quotes on Facebook?

Yes, you can put quotes on facebook . You can share your ideas , views and knowledge with you facebook friends or even with public. You put any type of quotes on facebook. If you want some good quotes for facebook . You can visit this website . or

Where can you find facebook quotes?

You can find Facebook quotes on yahoo, bing and Google data base.

How do you transfer pictures from mocospace to Facebook?

transfer mocospace pictures to facebook

Can you transfer Facebook credits to Paypal?

yes transfer facebook credit to paypal

How do you transfer a pictures from Hi-5 to Facebook?

how do you transfer pictuer from hi-5 to facebook

How do you transfer imobster from Facebook to phone?

hit transfer on your iPod or iPhone then do the same on Facebook

Where can one find Elmo Quotes on Facebook?

Elmo quotes can be found on Facebook from various Elmo related pages. One can like these pages, such as "Elmo's Quotes", and get them sent to their front page regularly.

How can you transfer your normal Facebook account into a vip Facebook account?

I wat to transfer my account in vip account

How do you transfer facebook credits?

There is no such way to transfer credits

What does favorite quotations on facebook mean?

Favorite Quotations means your favorite quotes.Such as horse quotes,famous quotes,etc..

How can you transfer a email to your Facebook?

nope facebook is not connected to email. msn is though

Can you transfer money from Facebook Mafia Wars to Facebook Texas Hold Em?

No you can't transfer things application to application, they are completely seperate.