Simply dial *121*055number*amount#
So if the mobile number is 0553613325 and you want to send AED 37, you press *121*0553613325*37#
To transfer credit from one mobile phone to another, both phones have to be from the same company. When setting up the new phone, tell the operator that there are credits to transfer from an old mobile phone to the new mobile phone. TracFone is one of the only phones that let a person transfer credits this way.
by interchanging the batteries of two mobiles,we can transfer the charges from one to another
A balance transfer is when you have money in one bank and transfer that money to another bank. It is also when you have a balance on one credit card and transfer the balance to another credit card.
If one wants to transfer a balance from one credit card to another credit card, the gaining credit card will arrange the transfer. There is a transfer fee involved with the transaction.
A balance transfer is the transfer of balance in an account or a credit card to another account.It also refers to transfer of outstanding balance from one credit card to another credit card.
IF you meant 'transfer money from t-mobile to t-mobile' - You can't. T-mobile will not allow you to transfer a pre-paid balance from one number to another.
A credit card balance transfer means one can transfer the balance of one credit card into another. One can transfer either all the funds or only a portion. For further information, one can contact the credit card company.
A credit transfer can have a few meanings. A credit transfer can refer to funds being transferred from one account to another, or it could relate to granting credits to a student who has completed studies at another school.
To transfer bonga points from one mobile to another you would need to dial *126*4# on your Safaricom mobile and press the call buttom. Bonga points are loyalty points provided by a mobile service provider in Kenya.
Yes, you can transfer a balance from one person to another, preferably WITH their permission..
In order to transfer your balance from one credit card to another, it is best to first review all of your credit cards, their limits, how much you owe, and various benefits of each card. Then, transfer higher rate balances to cards with lower rates.
It depends on your service provider.