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you go to the app store and there will be a traking app on sale also a pedofile watcher on. if you don't have appstore or blackberry store your phone provider can set it for you

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Q: How do you trace mobile location?
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Sites such as Trace a Mobile, Mobile Locate and Follow Us can help to search for a mobile phone number and trace the owner information. They usually charge a small fee for this service.

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I lost my Iphone a while ago and i went to the service provider and they tracked my sim card. Hope it helped!

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i dont see any remote possibilty to have even look for the stupid phone which i dont have bloody time for it ..

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bec she is me bewafaa

Can you tress any mobile with Nokia 1600?

There is no such thing as tressing when it comes to cell phones. However, there is tracing. You cannot tract any mobile with a Nokia 1600. In order to trace your cell phone and its location if lost, you will need to install an app on your phone.

Can you trace my phone?

EVERY mobile phone that's switched on - can be traced to the nearest three network masts - this will trace your handset to an area roughly 3 metres by 3 metres square. Using 'triangulation' - and hand-held detectors, your handset can be traced to your exact location !