i happen to have sperrys and my friends are always asking Me the same thing i hate to tell you this but you have to go and buy straight shoelaces you can find them at any shoestore. i hoped this helped
tie a knot
I personally would do 2 things. 1. I wouldn't tie them I would just tuck the laces in the shoe. 2. I would tie the laces like normal but from the inside so no one can see the laces and so they won't fall out as easily.
You need to grab both laces then get one and make a loop.Then tie the other one around the loopand that is it by Why56 also none as Lilly Wise
i personally like to use shoe laces or strips of fabric to hold back my hair when it's curly. I have medium length, thick, coarse 3c hair type.
you tie these up to stop you tripping over A: shoe laces
you tie 1 lace then hold the 2 bows and loop them and pull them tight.
If your shoe laces are not tied, you could step on a shoe lace and trip over.
so you don't trip over the laces
u dont u simply tuck it in
you can simpily tuck in your laces