Is there any liability to tell a child of a deceased parent?
Tell the parent or take care of it yourself. If they have a gun then tell the police or the parent of that child.
Tell a parent
tell him to leave you alone and tell a parent
Tell your parent ! , tell your principil !
tell a parent, and or teacher :)
Tell them that you want to tell them something serious and that it would be appropiate for them to know.
Susan M. Benjamin has written: 'Should I go to the teacher?' -- subject(s): Parent-teacher relationships, Home and school, Parent-teacher conferences
Yes! Why would you want to keep that from the "custodial parent" anyway?
Yes they can as long as the parent is okay with it too.
Just tell them that they are too young to date and give them a age when you think they can. Remember you are the parent and set the rules. Don't try to be a friend. They have friends and they need a parent to parent them.
You tell an adult or ignore them. Better to tell a parent or teacher.