THere are several ways. You can casually mention it in conversation. You can come out and just tell him. Or if your closer to your other parent have them mention it! That's what I did. I asked if I could start dating when he gave me the ok and i got a boyfriend, I had my mom casually mentioned it in a conversation when they were alone.
U tell him the truth, he's your dad, he will understand
just go out and say it
Just say dad (but i prefer mom) I have something to confess and tell them!!AnswerJust say dad (but i prefer mom) I have something to confess and tell them!! Don't hide it. A boyfriend is something that shouldn't be hidden. If you are to scared to tell your parents, then what's the point about a boyfriend. Parents then boyfriends
Tell your dad all the good things and the lies :)
If you actually care about your boyfriend than you shouldn't tell your dad because he would cause you two to breakup (more than likely). If you believe that your dad wouldn't do that then tell him. No one knows your dad as well as you do, so follow your heart.
Just tell him. Follow it quickly with 'my boyfriend would like to meet you', or 'I would like you to meet my boyfriend', so you dad gets a chance to sus him out. Chances are dad will be happy to know what's going on with his little girl anyway. Maybe use the term 'going out', or 'close friend' if your dads old school.
you tell your boyfriends dad that he cant stop love or make your boyfriends dad like you.i knoww how it feels
Ease him into it. Say, "Oh Dad, we're just friends....." Then you can gradually hint that you are now dating.
well what I'm going to do because right now i have a boyfriend and my dad doesn't know too. What I'm planing on doing is wait until I'm at the age where he'll let me have a boyfriend and tell him then. so there for you should tell him when he will let you do or have it and then he wont be mad as much.
Tell his mom and dad that you arent the reason he got grounded, so don't ground him from you.
The only way to tell him is just to do it. Choose a time when he is in a good mood and start off by letting him know that you want to be honest with him. He may not like you having an older boyfriend, depending on how much older your boyfriend is, so be prepared for him to object and possibly not to allow you to see him. If this happens, your best choice is to honor your dad's wishes. It won't be easy, but he is your dad and he has your best interests at heart.
tell him your aborting .