The common rifle used in the British army was the 'Efield 303' it was made in two types,...'long muzzle' & 'short muzzle' ..both bolt action with 5 cartridge magazine and rangefinder adjustable sights. Hope this helps!
i have a mk 2 303 british with the org. cleaning kit and would like to know the value my email is
Anywhere from $100 to over $1000 depending on model, condition, presence of distinct markings, etc.
number5 mark 1 enfield 303 british jungle carbine
yes there is a springfield .303 i have one from 1942 its a springfield rifle with a .303 british barrell
Either 303 or 30/06 If it says P-17 it takes .30-06. If it says P-14, it is .303 British.
No way of telling without knowing what make and model the rifle is, what condition it's in, and what country it was manufactured in.
Between $100 and $400, depending on the exact model and most importantly, the condition.
The .303 British and .303 Savage are not the same. Only purchase the caliber that is printed on the barrel.
yes it is just a difreint mesherment 303 is british and 7.7 is jap.
I would say with some difficulty- it is hard to describe without pictures. However, if you visit the website, and select your model of 303. there are good articles, WITH PICTURES, that show how to do this.
Do a search for: British No.1 MkIII, No.4 Mk1, No. 5 Jungle carbine or British Enfield these are the three major models of the .303 British rifles.