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I cant tell you how to exactly age your mossberg shotgun, however i do know that the earlier model mossbergs do not have ported barrels. I know this does't exactly help out much, but mossberg does offer a porting and refinishing service for a LOW price!

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Q: How do you tell the age of your mossberg shotgun?
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Contact Mossberg customer service. If the shotgun does not have a serial number (not required until 1968) they will not be able to date it.

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Model 83: 1936-1938

How can you determine the age of a Mossberg 500A shotgun?

You can determine the age of a Mossberg 500A shotgun by checking the serial number. Mossberg's serial numbers typically include a letter prefix followed by a series of numbers, with the letter indicating the production year. You can contact Mossberg directly or visit their website for more detailed information on decoding the serial number to determine the firearm's age.

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No age records, most likely a Mossberg shotgun, values $50-$75.

What is a Mossberg 20 Ga Pump shotgun worth?

Depending on condition and age; 75-175 USD.

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Your western auto model 312AA shotgun was made by mossberg for western auto.The mossberg model 395,395K are the mossberg model designations for your shotgun.

Is the Mossberg 395 a good semiautomatic shotgun?

No, the Mossberg 395 is a bolt action shotgun, NOT a semi-Automatic shotgun. It is a fine bolt action though.

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Contact Mossbrg directly and supply them with your serial number.They should be able to date your shotgun with this info.

What would one use a Mossberg 500 Stock for?

The Mossberg 500 Stock is the stock for the Mossberg 500 shotgun. The stock would allow you to get a better grip on the shotgun and absorb some recoil from firing the shotgun.

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What is the age and value of a Mossberg 410 model 183D C shotgun?

The Mossberg model 183D was made from 1948-1985.These shotguns are valued at between 75-110 dollars.