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Do they have to love you back?

Love is risk. Love is life.

Think ahead ... years from now. Would you rather have risked and been made a fool, or not risked and missed a great opportunity? Would you rather have tried, or never have had a chance?

I'm for telling people like it is. Remember, though, not to overdo it. I dunno why we humans find disinterest attractive but we do. If you lay yourself out on their doorstep offering your life at them, they will simply notice fault... at least.

Am I making any sense? Let them know. Take a chance.

If things go sideways, wouldn't you rather they do so now?

Good luck. Pain is life. And we love life. Enjoy the ride.
hi there the best way is to sit your partner down and tell him/her straight out rite that your feelings are stronger than before and that you love him or her. Its the easiest way be honest with your partner it goes along way

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Q: How do you tell someone you love them when you are not sure they love you back?
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What is the best to tell someone you love them?

When you believe they love you back.

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when you love someone, you make sure you are in love. Than you tell the person you love how you feel.

How to tell you love someone who's taken?

YOU DON'T. Do not home wreck someone's relationship. You will find love in someone who will completely love you back. Don't wreck another's love.

How can you tell if you are in love with someone but don't know if they love you back?

1. You can tell if your in love with someone when you are looking at them when your around him like no 2morrow! 2. You will know if they don't like you if when you tell them you love him and he runs away or something like not responding then he doesn't like you if he does like you back then he will say i ,ove you back to you.

What does it mean when you tell someone you love them and it makes them happy?

that they love you back and are just too shy to admit it =]

What to say when someone says they love you but you dont love them back?

Just tell them you are sorry but you do not feel that way about them.

How do you tell you ex boyfriend you still love him?

Be sure he is not seeing someone else first. Then contact him by phone and ask if he will meet you somewhere and that is when you tell him how you feel and if there is any hope for your relationship getting back to normal.

What would you do if you were in love with someone and you didn't know what to do?

If you love him or her and they don't know tell them and if they don't you back then it's their loss.

What do you call a person who is in love with someone who doesn't love them back?

The common term for it is "unrequited love".

How can you tell someone you love them but their not your girlfriend?

simple...just say 'i love you' make sure your gf isn't around but...

How do you tell someone you love them when you don't exactly know they love you but you're kind of sure they do love you?

Tell them anywway...They will learn to get over it and you caan have your life metaphoric terms...You dont have to hurt their feelings just break it gently...Be Nice about it.....and you will be fin if they get mad

What do you do when you love someone but you dont know if they love you back?

my emo senses make me reply with: tell someone else to ask that person if they like you. make sure that person you asked is someone you can trust. if that doesn't work, try to find out if they show any signs of love interest Answer Sometimes there is no way to know unless the person tells you if you can't tell any other way.