if i where you i would tell the girl that likes that boy that he has a girlfriend.that is what i would do.
First i would ask him. if he says no ask her. if he says a little bit, follow your heart. if when you ask her she says ya tell him.
Wait for her to decide if she likes you or her boyfriend she is obviosly feeling conflicted between her feelings for you and ger boyfriend, it is important that you do not pressure her into deciding tell her you understand what shes feeling and that what ever choice she makes is ment to be.
If she says, "Hi", to you, that means that she likes you.
It means she is bullying you and u don't hav to put up wif it, tell someone about it
Tell her to bag up of your man
well tell you're best friend! and break up with your boyfriend...
tell him
its still her. trust what she says. if she says she likes you - she does
Because she likes you and does not want to tell you or let you know because she is afraid you may reject her. There is no boyfriend or if there is not much of one if you like her go for it.
If you tell a girl that you love her and she says that it's a strong word what does that mean?
Tell her how you feel about that. If she really likes, ask her why she doesn't want a boyfriend but don't be to pushy as it could be a personal matter. Tell her when she's ready you'll be there waiting for her. Good luck!