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the best way i find is to rub your hands on the back and sides and gentily tickle her tummy just above her belt. Also playing with her boobs and nipples can really send some girls wild. stroking the leg is also good if u vary where your stroking and every now and again stoke further up her thigh or over her crotch area

Say you are younger and are in school and you are trying to make a girl horney, the best way then is to talk about yourself. Like if you are really good friends just talk about your penis. For example say "my penis is really annoying right now." Or if you see that one girl you like, and you are a guy start talking to another guy right in front of her and talk about your dick. she might have a weird look on her face but inside she won't stop thinking about your penis.

do her hard and dont stop till she cummin out her eyeballs

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13y ago
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4mo ago

It is inappropriate to make assumptions or judgments about someone's feelings or desires without direct communication. It is important to respect others' boundaries and privacy. If you are interested in someone, consider having open and honest conversations to understand their feelings and desires.

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13y ago

Okay first, if a girl is turned on she gets fidgety. She'll want to keep moving, maybe she'll play with her hands or tap her foot or start looking around, but she will undoubtedly be fidgety. Also, she will drop hints. Some girls do that by bringing up sexual talk and flirting non-stop. She might even start rubbing up against you or move closer, rub her hand on your thigh or your chest. She'll try and turn you on if she is. Hope that helps.

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13y ago

OK well that's not a nice Q but u can tell if she is cauz if u look at her and she is like rubbing her (U NO) thingy then she is and if u want to have sex with her do it right there get on the table pull Ur dick out and put in there

(P.s dont do the hole sex thing)))))))))))

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14y ago

If she chooses not to let you know you wont know.

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14y ago

your heart starts to race and your stomach tightens up They have sex like there is no tomorrow. The men never say no to free sex so she gets to have fun (granted she has big boobies)

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13y ago

Sorry mate , but girls don't get boners ...

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Q: How do you tell if a girl at school is horny?
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Guys are easy to get horny just say you want to have sex

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Kiss her alot, touch her body, play with her vagina, like her boobs, kiss her neck, tell her how sexy she is

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You check his hand. If there's 4 fingers and a thumb on it, then he's most likely horny.

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Don't tell her it shouldn't matter where you go to school

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This is pretty easy, I would suppose. Just watch some lesbian porn and see if you get horny. If you do, you like girls, if you don't, you're straight.

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u can get really horny?

How do you teel a girl you like her?

try, asking her out or tell her after school

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You don't have to name it this, (we have a horny toad) but you could name girl horny toad Mrs. Horny, Mrs. Toad, or any name you approve of. You could name a boy horny toad the sames things with Mr.