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well its hard you should start off with i dont know how to tell you or how im doing this but i think you should know and tell him and dont act totaly weird with him Whatever you do... DONT TELL HIM... until you have completed the following. 1. smile at him whenever you see him (try not to make yourself look like a complete dork), 2. Follow him about, don't go right next to him, just slightly behind him, or slightly in front, 3. then try and see if he likes you, by checking signs, like staring, laughing at jokes you tell even if they are awful. Then if you think he likes you, tell him how you feel about him, but not until you are completely sure! If he just laughs and walks away, you'll be sooooooembarrased! I once asked a guy out without checking, and he just walked away! I never got over it!

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Q: How do you tell a guy you like him when youre incredibly nervous?
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