Sample Situation:
Hey, (insert girl's name here)
I think you're so (pretty, smart, funny, etc.) Will you be my girlfriend? So simple, and if the girl's worth having, it will work.
you are just going to have to tell her,you guys are young she wont know if you dont tell her
Answer If the girl is confident and feels comforatable telling you then she will. If the girl is not confident or wants you to know that she likes you without having to ask she will withhold whom she likes until you tell her you like her first.
You take the chance and ask her if she likes youu ;)
Write her a letter telling her you like like her.
you tell a blabber mouth
You ask a friend to tell him for you :)
You should tell her and then start humping her. She'll be immediatley impressed by your honesty and make out with you. This will work every time without fail.
IF the girl likes you back she will not care what her friends think. Her friends may hate you but your not telling her friends you like them your telling HER. Her friends will eventually get used to it.
if your friend is a girl and your a boy you tell them that you know someone likes likes you and she asks who say "i cant tell you." and then the next day tell her you like her. if your a girl telling a boy that same thing. if your a girl taking to a girl tell them you are like a sister or brother to each other or something like that
Whatever you feel like telling her.
they are always staring at you and telling there friend you are ugly but they know that the LOVE you
Just tell the girl you like them and she started to like me