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The best thing to do is be yourself. When you talk to him, just talk about anything and be confident when you speak. Otherwise he might get a hint you like him.

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4mo ago

Focus on having casual conversations about common interests or topics that both of you enjoy. Show genuine interest in getting to know him as a person and listen attentively to what he has to say. Avoid coming on too strong or being overly flirty to prevent giving off the impression that you like him romantically.

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Q: How do you talk a guy without it being so obvious you like him?
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Talk to her. It will soon become obvious.

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if you stand near them or try to talk to them a lot.

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Just act naturally. Talk to him like any ordinary day. Avoid topics that could lead you to being awkward. Be friendly and nice and be yourself.

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To talk to a guy that you have not talked to in a long time without it being awkward, just talk to him. Talk about things that both of you think about, and make sure that you are honest.

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