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You must go to a gunsmith.

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Q: How do you take out a firing pin out of a revelation 101?
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Where do you find a firing pin for your jc Higgins 22 cal mod 41?

Believe that is a Marlin 101. Contact Numrich at their website- gunpartscorp. They list that firing pin for $5 plus shipping,

Were can you find a firing pin for a revelation single shot 20gauge?

gun shop, gun show, want ad.

How can you tell if your firing pin is missing after you take apart your cobra enterprises 380?

Try to fire it then if it does not fire the firing pin isnt in

A nstevens 1913 crack shot26 has a firing pin and a firing pin pin you need a firing pin pin?

Find a good gunsmith or machinist

Is the firing pin on a marlin 39A supposed to slide in and out?

Yes the firing pin should float freely on top of the breech bolt. If you take the gun down (seperate the receiver) the firing pin will be visible, and should slide freely backa and forth.

How do you take a firing pin assebly apart on a browning 270 automatic?

Take out the screws?

How do you take out firing pin p89 dc?

Best left to a gunsmith

How do you remove the firing pin from a heritage 22 revolver?

Take it to a gunsmith. Remove cylinder - remove firing pin pin located under rear site - use finishing nail/small center punch ,place against back of firing pin and tap lightly driving pin toward "removed" cylinder

What is a hammer mounted firing pin?

A firing pin that is mounted on/in a hammer

What is the purpose of Beretta's firing pin catch?

The purpose of Beretta's firing pin catch is to prevent the firing pin from going forward from in the event that the pistol is dropped. It's just simply redundancy, every precaution to not put little holes into your body is taken.

Which safety feature of the M9 service pistol moves the firing pin striker out of alignment with the firing pin and prevents it from firing as the hammer moves forward?

Firing Pin Block