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Best to ask a gunsmith for help

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Q: How do you take down and clean a sterling 380 DA model 400?
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How do I clean my Panasonic TV model?

Take windex, wipe it down. Then take a regular paper towel and wipe it down again. That's how I clean mine at least.

How do you take down and clean a model 989 marlin?

Contact Marlin customer service through their website, and request an owner's manual for your rifle. They are free.

Winchester model 52 long rifle take down procedures?

don't take down a Winchester model 52, the way they bedded the rifle was a mystery. It may never shoot the same if you take it apart.

How do you take down model 59 shotgun?

You will need the help of a gunsmith

How do you remove the plug from a Winchester model 1897 take down model shotgun?

Best left to a trained gunsmith.

Is a serial number stamped in more than one place on a model 1892 Winchester?

If the gun is a "take-down model" The serial number will be stamped on both the barrel and the action.It would be faster for you go to the link below to see what a "take-down model is then for me to explain.

How do you break down a bryco 380 auto model 38?

Take it to a gunsmith

How many models of breakdowns model 94 did Winchester make?

Are you asking out of all the Model 1894's ever made how many were in take down configuration? Or are you asking how many Model 94's were made in take down configurations. Remember, it was called the Model 1894 unitl the 1,000,000th was made and afterwards called the Model 94.

What is the correct way to clean football equipment?

Take a towel moist with water and a little soap, wipe down, rinse, and dry with a clean towel.

How do you take apart and clean a Remington Model 1100 20 gauge?

You can request an owner's manual for free at the Remington website.

How do you take a browning 32 caliper automatic pistol FN model apart to clean it?

You need to ask a gunsmith for help.

How do you take apart and clean a smith and Wesson semi automatic hand gun model 69?

S&W never made a Model 69 semi-auto pistol