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Since a lip piercing is a surface piercing, definitely make sure you care for it! If the piercing rejects, it's because the body wasn't able to become immune to the object inside the skin.

I highly recommend purchasing H2Ocean piercing spray, it's a life saver.

H2O spray helps properly care for a fresh piercing.

*Also avoid consuming any Alcoholic Beverages, acidic drinks, or eating any spicy foods for a while. This can irritate the piercing and cause an infection.*

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Q: How do you take care of lip piercing?
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How can your lip piercing get infected?

When you do not care or when you yank it

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Nope, i've had my tongue pierced, and i didn't have to take my lip piercing out.

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In About 2 weeks you can take it out...

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For your upper lip, Left is a monroe piercing. The bottom lip could just be a lip piercing, or labret piercing.

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Neither. Unless your parents consent to it, you can't even legally get anything pierced. At 12, frankly, chances are you're not responsible enough to take care of a piercing.

What is the normal gauge of a lip piercing?

14g is normal for a male lip piercing, 16g is normal for a female lip piercing.

Is it okay for the meat in your lip to cover the back of your lip piercing?

Yea,i have a lip piercing and it does that do its natural

What does a lip piercing mean on a guy?

It means that he wanted a lip piercing :)

What does a lip piercing mean?

Having a piercing on the side of your lip :3

What should you get an eyebrow piercing or a lip piercing?

Whichever you want. I would get the lip piercing first. Its a bit easier to care for and you can learn before you try to handle an eyebrow piercing. Eyebrow piercings are surface piercings so you have to be really careful with them so that they don't reject. As long as you're comfortable with the risks of both, I wold get the lip piercing.

Tongue piercing or lip piercing?

up to you i would say lip though