I do not know how well it will work for you but for me a small file can be wormed into the cracks and used to take apart the clip
It can work with Streamline Darts that comes with the Raider CS-35, Recon, Longshot, Longstrike, Flip Clip Pack, and the Bandolier Kit. I do not know if they can shoot Dart Tag bullets because I do not have a Maverick. How I know that a Maverick can shoot Streamline Darts was that used my friend's Maverick and used MY Streamline Darts and it worked. My friend and I didn't have any Dart Tag Bullets, so we couldn't find out if the Maverick can shoot them or not.
To take the headlight switch out of a 1998 chevrolet one ton truck you have to take the dash apart. Once you take the dash apart you will have a clip on the backside of it that holds the switch mechanism in.
On the cv joint attached to the front differential, if you take off the boot, in front of the bearing, there is a cir clip. If you remove the cir clip the whole cv joint slides out of the differential. Have fun...
Take overhead console apart and look inside for any thing loss. It maybe as simple as a clip.
You have to take the mag, and screwdriver (+). Unscrew all screws on the mag, then throw it in the toilet. Go to Evike or ASGI and get a Drum or Beta mag!
you need to take the carb apart and move ur timing belt over then remove a black ruber clip and there you go
You can, but I have tried it and only the pistol mode with no acessoreis (even the clip) will fit in if you stretch one of the clip holding things really hard and slide it in. I have tried to put in the nite finder and the maverick, but they barely fit into the clip holders just like the recon.
What Year? The fox body mustang locks are easy to change. Take the interior door panel off and on the back side of the lock you have to disconect the linkage from it. Then there is a clip holding it to the door. Just pull that clip off and the lock will pull straight out.
There are orange things on the side of the gun, just above the clip. Pull it, and take out the clip.
First you should take the clip. Then take the clip so the clip is showing into your hair. After that cover the clip with hair. WITH GLUE Take the glue put a lot onand stick it in your hair. From scatar joins.
Both blasters have a tactical rail and none have a reverse tactical rail meaning you cannot attach them. The only real way is to get a key chain clip and attach it from the bottom of the Reflex IX-1 to the top of the cocking slide on the Maverick REV-6.
Robert Maverick goes by Crash Maverick.