You can request a manual from S&W from their website or you can download one or you can ask a gunsmith for help.
Best left to a gunsmith.
No need to for regular cleaning.
Best left to a trained gunsmith
Best to ask a gunsmith for assistance.
Call or visit the S&W website and request an owner's manual.
You can download or request a manual for free at the S&W website.
Follow the owner's manual directions. Ask a gunsmith for help.
You can request an owner's manual for free at the S&W web site.
S&W never made a Model 69 semi-auto pistol
Take it to a gunsmith.
If you go to You-Tube and type in disassemble of Smith and Wesson model 915;there should be a video of the steps needed to take down your smith and Wesson semi-auto 9mm.
the 52 model is easy to take apart (if you know how) rather then screw it up best to take to a gunsmith to show you how to take apart correctly and put back right. worth a couple of bucks in the long run...........