Here is your answer, Take crazy or regular pics with your webcam on Well bye!
you have to take laptop apart to install the receiver of the gps
you reset the computer and the password should be gone, or type a random password if its wrong click I forgot it will take you into the settings for that account so you can change anything you want. Example Password, Wallpaper etc
connection post is broken, take apart and look at connections, resolder where you see fit
it should that has almost the same specs as my laptop and by "how long will it take to get your premium to be able to play" i dont know what you mean. -_- you must purchase a premium account (if that helps)
Before attempting to purchase any extra components, one should try to take the laptop apart. To improve the performance of an old laptop, one should upgrade the RAM, the Hard Drive, as well as the operating system.
A modern laptop is itself designed to work on a mobile basis, no extra hardware (apart form a power lead to charge the battery) is required.
As far as I know, yes, as long as they were just a few years apart,
Yes, but most likely you'll have to take apart the whole laptop, it depends on the make and model. Find laptop disassembly instructions and see if it's easy enough for you. If not, take it to a professional repair shop. By the way, laptop hinges are not cheap. I'll post a link where you can find service manuals and disassembly instructions for major laptop brands.
You take a used laptop and then take the ingiasdhgoas sjtfghskdjfksdtbasljkhfasfkjcla;sfasrf
Well on AirFrance you can take a hp laptop. I don't know about others.