You should be able to find a assembly-disassembly guide for your Winchester model 37 on E-bay.If not you may to need to visit a qualified gunsmith.
The winchester model 37-A was a reintroduction of the model 37 shotgun.these were made between the years 1973-1981.Winchester did not keep serial number records of the model 37-A. I am sorry but that is the best that I can do.
The value of a Winchester model 37-A 28 gauge is dependent upon a number of things. Some of these things would include the age and condition of the Winchester.
The model 37 was produced from 1936 until 1963. They were not serialized.
what is a winchester model 37 stillbuilt 12ga shotgun worth is has a pig tail where it breaks down and is in good shap
The Winchester model 37 single shot shotgun was made by Winchester from 1936-1963.A total of 1,015,554 were made during this time span.This model was reintroduced in 1973 as the model 37-A and was made until 1981.No serial numbers were ever assigned to the model 37,as there was no law in place until the gun control act of 1968 mandating this.
Best left to a factory trained gunsmith
The value of a Winchester model 37-A 28 gauge is dependent upon a number of things. Some of these things would include the age and condition of the Winchester.
The Winchester Model 37 was not serialized. It was the GCA (Gun Control Act) of 1968 that required all newly manufactured or imported firearms to be serialized. Production of the Model 37 ceased in 1963.
There were no serial numbers stamped on the original Winchester Mdl. 37, single shot shotgun.
Your Winchester model 37a was a reintroduction of the model 37 which occured between 1973-1981.That is when your model 37a was made.
5-500 usd