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When you are using the Facebook app on your nook and want to tag someone in a picture you use the same steps as if you were in Facebook on a computer. Go to the picture and there is a feature to tag the photo.

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How do you tag someone in facebook on nook?

When you are using the Facebook app on your nook and want to tag someone in a picture you use the same steps as if you were in Facebook on a computer. Go to the picture and there is a feature to tag the photo.

How do you tag someone in a post?

To mention or tag someone, include the @ in a status or post.

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What is the meaning tag friend in facebook?

tag means to tap someone.

How do you tag someone on Facebook who doesn't have an account?

You can still tag people by tagging someone like normal and then typing their name.

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Is when u play tag with anyone u child freinds anyone but no tag back mean when u tag someone they tag u back thats no tag backs

Can you exchange a nook simple touch for a nook color?

Yes,you can!If someone other then barnes and noble says no then turn to barns and noble and get a good deal for it!

How do you tag someone in a facebook status from the iPhone?

Unfortunately, you cannot tag someone in your status updates, pictures, or anything else from the iPhone. You would have to log on to Facebook from a regular computer to tag friends.

How do you tag someone on Facebook?

You go under the picture and click 'Tag This Photo'. Then you click on whoever you want to tag and type in their names.

What part of speech is tag?

"Tag" can be a noun, a verb, or an interjection depending on the context in which it is used.

Is it wrong to tag someone on facebook?

No, its not. Tag means to just put someones name in someones picture.

Can someone tag you in a photo who's not a friend?

ummm no