try knocking her handbag off the counter or table, alert her and pick it up for her, then say how lucky she is that you saved her handbag and tell her that you are perfect for eachother. Then act all cutcie get a boner and tell her that it was all her fault. give her you phone number and hook up! you dont have to do it that way but you get where ive got the story from
no? just make her feel like she is all that matters
Well, being a girl this is going to help you a lot more. Personally, it bothers me when all guys talk about is sexual stuff or anything in relation to being sexual. It's a lot better when a guy is sweet and shows some interest in wanting to get to know you. Rather than just hinting that he wants to get in your pants. Trust me, it pays off to be sweet!
if she takes off her pants.....she likes you.
you can talk to him from number off of #1 girl
I think u need to go out with the sweet unpopular girl b/c u will be better off in life with out any drama
An outgoing girl would like to explore EVERYTHING about a person. She would generally be the one who wears the pants, and equally, takes off the pants.
Yeah its normal
Why would you want to? That is a stupid question!
you should definitley talk to your mom.take off the sheets and wash them!
can can is a type of dance. so a can can girl is a girl who dances the can can
2001's Take Off Your Pants And Jacket.