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As we know men (and women) come in all shapes, sizes, personalities, etc. I've learned many moons ago to just plain be yourself. Some girls may not like who you are, but there are always some girls that will. NEVER try to be too cool or be someone you aren't because no one ever manages to pull it off completely.
Young women don't like a guy that is too easy to get and enjoy a guy with an air of mystery (not much different than some guys feel about girls) and also some manners by at least watching them leave your car and get into their home safety, listen to what she has to say even if you think it's boring. Don't chase her! Don't tell her too much about yourself all at one time! Keep that air of mystery. It's sort of like giving a chocolate lover a little taste of chocolate, but not quite enough to satisfy them. Always treat her with respect and be warm and open, but again, don't tell all about yourself and take it slow and easy. Don't constantly phone her or question her every move because if you do then the person will just feel smothered and quickly become disinterested.
Good luck Marcy
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Q: How do you sweep a girl off her feet?
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Meaning of sweep you off your feet?

razzle dazzle you make you amazed by them ---- The term "sweep you off your feet" is used to describe amazing you, to really surprise a person and "sweep them off their feet". His romantic ways just swept me off my feet. The gift I received was amazing and it just swept me off my feet. Hope that helps. i dont know the dictionary term but if you think about it it's like an old fashioned term for a man to run up to a girl and sweep her off her feet and romantically surprise her

Sentence with the word sweep?

The intent of a whirlwind romance is to sweep your intended right off of her feet. Please sweep the front porch. How can you sweep with that old broom?

What plumber sweep Rebecca off her feet on Cheers?

Tom Beringer.

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So he can sweep the girls off their feet!

Who made a cameo as a plumber on Cheers to sweep Rebecca off her feet?

tom berenger

On Cheers who made a cameo as a plumber to sweep Rebecca off her feet?

Tom Berenger

What is the meaning of sweep you off your feet?

To be carried away on a tide of emotion. No rational thinking required.

If you where a naruto character how can you make Tenten to like you?

flirt with her, sweep her off her feet, make her feel special.

How do you get a girl that has no interest in you to like you?

Woo her, love. Sweep her off her feet with sweet nothings and flowers. Compare her eyes to the stars, tell her she makes the goddesses jealous with her beauty! Only if you mean it though. Don't be fake

How should you make a move on a girl?

Make up your own creative romantic way to make a move on her to sweep her off her feet. You should know the girl, and things she likes and is comfortable with, that way, it's all the more easier for you know how to approach and impress her.

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probably not, cause i am still wating to come to Canada, Ontario and sweep me off my feet

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probably not, cause i am still wating to come to Canada, Ontario and sweep me off my feet