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it depends... here are a few ways. if you like the dude back but you like someone else better, you could tell the guy that you were not interested in him that much and that you could just be friends in a nice way. if you HATE the dude, you could just tell him to stay out of your life and never come back!

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15y ago
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11mo ago

You can't control other people's feelings. Instead of focusing on stopping someone from liking your crush, focus on building a strong connection with your crush yourself. Be authentic and show your interest in them to see if they reciprocate your feelings.

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14y ago

You can't someone from liking anyone. If you like that person so bad, let them know, it'll save a lot of trouble.

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13y ago

tell that person that you want nothing to do with them and you just want to be friends...unless you decide the opposite

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