The only way to help yourself is to see a therapist and let the pro decide whether you are narcissistic or there is something else wrong. All of us hide behind a wall of safety and some try to hide their emotions because they have been hurt too often while others are jaded, nasty and cruel.
quite simple, rant and rave back - I did. Show him you will NOT be intimidated,
Narcissists are motivated largely by fear. Being willing to expose them, say no, refuse to mirror them, and having the proof and evidence to back you up helps.
Being narcissistic and egocentric is the same.
You don't cite any specific authority you may have or any malpractice or professional misbehavior on the part of the psychologist. It is assumed that your description is an opinion. You cannot make a psychologist who you think is narcissistic stop caring for children.
Yes of course - but now they are moving towards being narcissistic psychopaths.
There are elderly abuse laws in effect. Report the person.
Living with narcissistic people creates great emotional trauma. You need to get some counseling, which will also help you with the issue you ask about.
By keeping them away from their grandparents as much as you can - and by providing a counter example, by serving as role models of non-narcissistic conduct.
Extreme self centeredness means lacking in empathy and only caring about yourself and your needs and sometimes being narcissistic. Self-centeredness in the extreme is called narcissistic personality disorder.
Modest is the usual opposite of narcissistic.
Tagalog Translation of NARCISSISTIC: mahal ang sarili
The Tagalog word for narcissistic is "narsisista."