You can't they have to realize on their own volition that drinking is neither productive or healthy for them im sorry impeding on ones ability to drink interferes with free will which even God cannot super cede
No herbal tea will help a person stop drinking alcohol.
Alcoholics Anonymous.
how to stop them from drinking alcohol
it is a person who loves drinking aholhlic drinks and cant stop because they are addicted
That person would be called a drunk. If s(he) was unable to stop drinking, that person would be called an alcoholic.
We are not sure if you are asking how you can stop drinking, or how you can stop someone else's drinking. If it is the latter, you can't.
No person can totally rid the entire world of drinking, but you can prevent you and your friends from going down that road and you should. you can talk to your peers and warn them about the dangers of drinking
Yes, if the person overdoses. Long term alcoholics need to either stop drinking or moderate their drinking.
No it wont stop if you drink to much, no matter what you have you wont be able to stop you're hormones on working. Period is a constant thing which will happen every two weeks, however if the person has contraceptive pills this may stop your period only 4 some time but the person have to have them pills everyday. So Frankly speaking NO DRINKING TO MUCH WILL NOT STOP YOUR PERIODS!
Unfortunately, people only stop drinking when they are ready to. Once they've reached rock bottom. You may try to help by taking the person to an AA meeting but, never blame yourself for their behavior.
They will have seizures when they attempt to stop drinking again, unless they are under medical supervision and are given the proper anti-seizure treatment.