Well 2show a boy u lyk him iz simple..
1. Give him eye contact 2 show an interest
2. Bump in2 him so u have 2 say sorri an c wat hiz repli iz
3. If u no him go n talk 2him
4. Find out info bout him b4 ANYTHING!! GUD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! just be yourself and be sexy and cute
Most do to show that they like you.
Your brain.
ask him if he wants a bj
you can make a boy realize that you like him by simply tell him!YES BUT SHOW SINGNS TOO
You get a boy to like by, Flirting lots ... &show em wat ur made of . ;) . . . . . GO IN BED WITH HIM . :D
Show him how much you actually like him and care about him
Show him your boobs, he'll like you.
Apparently he sounds like a girl for a while in the show, but is a boy.
A smile is all it takes.
Show him your boobs, he'll like you.
You show you really really like him.
just say it in a good way