If it's a vertical Labret piercing then it's a curved barbell, if it's a standard lip piercing it can be a labret stud or a ring.
Well it's actually a Labret piercing taken from the latin word for lip. A Labret piercing is a piercing in the lip done with a Labret stud, captive bead ring or barbell.
Unscrew the ball from the rod counter clockwise until it is off.
labrets is the typpe of jewelery used for your lip piercing. they have a flat back on one end and a ball n the other. the flat part is put inside your lip and the ball is the decoration on the outside :D
Labret is french for lip
Yes a vertical labret is on the lip surface to the lip edge, a labret is on the lower lip below the lip edge so having the two should not be an issue.
They are called Bio-Plast labret studs, they are a bio-compatable plastic labret stud. www.wildcat.co.uk
Labret is Latin for "lip" , a labret piercing was defined as a centerline lower lip piercing placed just below the center of the lower lip, they jewellery designed for this piercing is called a Labret stud a flat back stud with a removable top, screw on ball.A labret piercing in a piercing between the center of the lower lip and chin.
If it's growing over the back of the labret, you should either take it out and replace it with a bigger backing, or you put in a ring. All your lip is doing is trying to heal your lip. NOTE! If it's red on the outside and puffy, it's more than likely infected.
Labret studs and any kind of ring are best. You could use an eyebrow bar if you'd like but it can look a bit strange because the ball would point down. Tongue bars are way too long. You could use smaller barbells though, they work just as well as labret studs. Just not the same variety :)
There are many different types of jewellry than can be put into a lip piercing, such as a labret(stud) bcr (ball closure ring) a segment closure ring, horseshoe rings, and more. normally a fresh piercing is done with a titanium labret.
LABRET this is a stud in your lip