Currently you are unable to set a signature on an sms account on the palm pixi.
it depends on certain phones whether they have it or not. you just go to settings or options in your messages and you'll be able to find signature and click it and then type which ever you want for people to see
Come up with a set of simple categories
a set of simple categories that match your symbols
Italics are mostly used to emphasize certain words, to indicate that they are in a foreign language or to set off the title of a literary or artistic work
help set up voice mail
You cannot set a texting signature on the LG Neon. You can, however, make a text template and use it everytime.
It generally means that you have not set the default signature in the "options" or "preferences" tab of your email client.
Well, I have had two LG Primes. The first one, after I set my signature, appeared in every text message I was composing. But my second LG Prime didn't insert my signature after I had set it. So good luck!
i would answer u if i had that phone
im wondering the same thing
To save battery life on your Palm Pixi Plus set the screen to turn itself off after a shorter inactivity period. If you're in an area that has "no bars", turn the phone off so it doesn't keep searching for a signal. You can activate "airplane mode" when you don't need wireless access. Set your email function to download every few hours or less often. You can also deactivate the GPS function. Follow these tips and you conserve battery power for those times when you really need it.
Just go to messaging, hit more & scroll down to settings. Then scroll all the way down to signature :)
First, Go to "Messaging". Then, on the side thing, It says "Settings". Click that, then scroll down too Signature, and you can set it there. Hope I helped!(:
No. Unfortunately they don't. But you can set a text template and then put it in every message if it isn't too much work.
i need to know the same thing...i have tried everything to find it YOU CAN'T :(
Go to the main menu and go the messaging part and click the settings go to the number 12 click it an enter your signature an click done!:)