buy the app for it
1. Go into the Phone Application on your iphone 2. Click the "Voicemail" Button on the bottom right 3. Click on "Greeting" on the top left This allows you to re-record your voicemail greeting, or use the system standard greeting (Automated voice) "you have reached the voicemail box of......... etc etc etc" I think this is what you are looking for
Any telephone service provider should be able to help with a business phone set up. AT&T however has special rates, payments, and set ups specifically for a businesses needs.
Depending on your business and personal email requirements, you may choose from two options for setting up your email on your Blackberry: Personal or Corporate. Blackberry allows up to 10 different email accounts per device. When it comes to setting up your email accounts for your phone, you can set them up by doing it on the phone itself for using a computer.
greeting line
Hey, what's up?
Business phone systems today such as the virtual PBX,has an auto attendant feature that bears professionally recorded greeting. This can be set up according to your preferred setting so that you can have the appropriate greeting to every extension or department dialed by your caller. A very welcoming and cordial voice greeting will make a positive impression.
Tap on the Phone icon from the Home ScreenGo to VoicemailTap Greeting which appears at the top left.To set a new greeting, just tap the record button at the bottom left then pronounce the greeting into the iPhone and then click Done.
A cordless phone twin is set up by , plugging the base into the wall and the phone jack , one then can plug in the cordless phone twin into any outlet and ones phones will be set up.
Pick up the phone, press talk, and speak a greeting in to the phone, such as, "Hello?" or your name. You can be less formal if you know that it's one of your friends.
You have to subscribe to your phone service first and they will set it up for you.
To set up voice mail on your new cell phone, dial *86 and press send on your cell phone. You will be connected to instructions which will then walk you through the set up process.
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Changing the greeting on the samsung m530 cannot be done. The only greeting you can have is the default one "m530". Stupid, right?
It depends on what teleconferencing set up you have. In most buisiness you can set it up on you office phone. You will have to refer to the manual to figure out how to do it for your particular phone.
if you need to set up a phone system for your small business then you need to call up some phone companies. I think you should call phone companies such as T-Mobile, Sprint, Verizon wireless etc.