Rifles and shotguns (unloaded) may be mailed in the US Mail, or shipped by UPS- from a hub. Be sure it is unloaded, package securely with no markings on the exterior to indicate that it is a gun, and declare the contents as a firearm on the shipping papers. Handguns may NOT be mailed except by dealers and manufacturers. UPS & FedEx require them to be shipped Next day Air. NOTE- if transferring the ownership of a firearm across a state line, it must be shipped to a FFL holder (dealer) in the recipient's state.
You can SHIP a gun by UPS. Gun must be unloaded, and you will need to take it to a UPS hub, not a UPS store. If the ownership of the gun is changing, and the gun is being sent to another state, it will need to be shipped TO a licensed gun dealer in the other state. Handguns must be shipped Next Day Air, which is rather expensive (around $75) Rifles and shotguns (no handguns) can be MAILED by US Mail- same restrictions. Handguns may not be mailed in US Mail except by a licensed dealer or manufacturer.
No, UPS is closed on Sundays.
No, Cash cannot be sent by UPS.
You can mail a BB gun via UPS.
One can search the UPS website to find the various costs of sending a parcel to different location within the USA. It can cost anything from a few dollars to tens of dollars, depending on the distance to send and the size of the parcel.
UPS international Shipping delivers to all the countries in the world. One can send ones package with UPS and they will deliver it around the globe. Whatever country one wishes to send to, UPS delivers it.
The cheapest way to send heavy packages from Japan to the United States is through UPS. It may take a while for your packages to get to your correct destination.
All depends where you're sending them to - and whether the country(ies) involved will allow you to export/import them !
Not according to their RESTRICTED ITEMS chart. It specifically says NO MATCHES and has a picture of a book of matches on the chart.
how do i send in my ups bar codes to redeem stuff
The elecric guitar has metal strings that are amplified by magnetic pick ups. These magnetic pick ups catch the vibrations of each string and go to an amplifier and send the sounds out through a loud speaker.