Welcome to your School - 'Croeso i dy Ysgol'
eich bod croeso
Oh, honey, in Welsh, you say "croeso adref." So, next time someone waltzes through the door, you can greet them like a proper Welsh speaker. Now go ahead and impress them with your multilingual charm!
nos da a chroeso
The word for "welcome" in Welsh is "croeso".
Croeso i fy ... (welcome to my...)Then it gets tricky.Naturaly you'd mutate (treiglo) delicatessen to "fy nelicatessen" however seeing as it's not a Welsh word perhaps it'd be better to say:"Croeso i'r delicatessen" = "welcome to the delicatessen"
You can reply "Croeso" which means "You're welcome" in Welsh.
Welsh for welcome is "Croeso!" A very warm welcome to you - Croeso cynnes iawn i chdi! Hope I helped!♥
Croeso i
Croeso i