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Take him aside and just tell him (to his face) that "(name) you're a nice guy but I'm not interested in a relationship with you right now." If he's a nice guy he'll understand. If he gets weird about it just be persistent and don't change your response. The point is to not go out with him, and maintain a decent self image. Texting him is just dumb, he'll appreciate it more if you tell it to his face and be quick with it, don't lead him on and say no.

Guys are naturally egotistical, just be quick and concise with your response.

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Q: How do you say no to a guy that asked you out nicely?
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Then you would say, "i'm sorry, but I'm not really interested." but don't say it with attitude. Say it nicely so he doesn't start crying. Tee hee...

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As a guy myself, I would say yes, if he asked you if you miss him.

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just say nicely you only want to be friends

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Say yes or no.

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¤¤¤¤ you I say do the guy who asked this!

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If you like him say yes

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you say your sorry but you are just not interested say it sweetly and nice. don't forget to say sorry

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Nicely say your not at all interesed and you want to be friends.

Hi i just asked a girl out and she thought about it for a few seconds and said no. should i ask her out again?

Well when this guy asked me out I was forced to say no I really wanted to go with him but I knew what my parents would say this guy is currently my boyfriend we got together recently and haven't been out once cause we know the circumstances maybe if u approach her nicely and ask her why she said no don't ask her out again ask her why she said no and depending on her answer u'll know what to do

How do you say no to a guy after he's asked you out?

You say sorry but i just want to be friends. Or sorry but no.